I am very close to purchasing my first child hood dream car and I hope I can get good advice from one of you. First the model is a 1995 xjs Black on beige. the car has all service records and is in from what I can
see in the pictures and from my discussions from this one time owner in excellent shape all but a few minor chips in the front fering from stones
The actual mileage is 35k and it's just been fitted with a new pair of Pirellies. Can anyone tell me things I should look for, my understanding is the everything works as it did from day 1. He originally wanted 15,800
but I held my ground with 13 thousand and he has excepted. I just was hoping I was making a good deal, the car is flawless inside and out and I felt that 35k was just broken in. I hope someone has some good advice for me, have a great day.

Submitted by mortoncjc@mind… on Sat, 03/27/2010 - 13:38

Congratulations. My wife drives everyday a 1995 XJS convertible with 4.0L I6. It has just passed 140,000 miles and been very reliable. Air conditioning needed servicing a year or two ago, and that forced us to buy new hoses to accommodate the R134 refrigerant. Other than that it has been a dream.

If your is a convertible contact me directly for a simple modification that you will appreciate.

And do join your local JCNA club. We are all great people.

Jim Morton
Carolina Jaguar Club