Edited on 2008-11-27 13:00:32

I just saw a 2005 S-Type-R for sale in a used car dealer circular (freebie)and in the same lot of the same dealer is a 2005 Mini-Cooper-S for the EXACT same price (under $20K CDN which is about 80% USD) .... Am I missing something? I know the Jag guzzles fuel and times are tougher but wow that aint right ...

D Lokun

Submitted by dougdwyer1@com… on Sat, 11/29/2008 - 11:38

I hear ya. :-)

Years ago I was shopping for a TR6. I ended up with an XJS. Twice the car for half the money.

Go figure :-)

We should always keep this talk to ourselves, though. Used Jags have always been a lot of car for little money and I'd like to keep it that way. I might want to move up another notch soon :-)
