Sunday August 29, 2004
19+ attendees
Hor?derves ? 5:00-5:30 with Joey & Heidi Berdis in McKinney
Salad ? 6:00-6:30 with Bob & Ren Baron in North Dallas
Main course ? 7:15-8:30 with Pat & Jim Dawkins in Lucas
Dessert 8:45-9:15 at the Marble Slab Creamery in Allen
Things started out well as folks headed to meeting spots in order to caravan to the first stop. Unfortunately Steve?s Mark blew a tire and was helped across lanes to a resting spot by a friendly policeman. Not deterred, he moved Paula & Karli into their van which was damaged recently when Karli was involved in an 8 car mash. Then of course previous to that there was that very unfortunate fire that damaged his MGB and nearly burned the house down?? oh and earlier the oil filler cap was inadvertently left off of the Mark so oil was thrown out and ran down the paint only to be neatly washed off when the radiator hose broke on the way home from that boating event. Woops??. Must keep on subject. Things improved as parts of the caravan gradually collected at Joey & Heidi Berdis? house (just a little late) in McKinney. They provided a great starter course and many of us enjoyed seeing progress on Joey?s Series 1 E Type. He is coming along well with his rebuild on the engine and front end. It is a great looking car and hopefully we will see it on the road in the near future. We also noticed Heidi?s Vette and several other cars. It appears that between cars, house projects, piano rebuild, etc. Joey will not have time to be bored any time in the near future.
The caravan continued to Bob & Ren Baron?s house in North Dallas for salad. Wow?? that is an understatement. You know what they say about guitar players and ?Guitar Players?. The same is true here. There is salad and then there is ?Salad?. This was ?Salad?. I believe I counted 8 very different and delicious salad preparations. We all enjoyed visiting and sampling every one.
Next the caravan continued to Jim & Pat Dawkins? house in Lucas (hmmmmmm?.. some call it the ?City of Darkness??.. don?t know where that came from) for the main course. There we had chicken, green beans, potatoes and two kinds of bread. As each one filled their plate, some drifted into the dining room, some into the dinette and some into the 50s theme patio where we listened to records of Marty Robbins and Elvis and perused the 50s d?cor of record jackets, old record players, lava lamp, etc. Apparently things went ok as there was no fighting or rowdy business.
Finally the caravan found its way to the Marble Slab Creamery at McDermott/Alma in Allen where we enjoyed sampling their varied Ice Cream menu. They processed our fairly large group in good time and we enjoyed their sweets.
Hopefully everyone enjoyed it as much as I did and hope to do again in the future.
Jim Dawkins