Good evening,
My name is Tony Leo. I have recently purchased a 1976 V12 XJC in Lima Peru. I have a question regarding the master cylinder brake oil reservoir. The existing oil reservoir has cracked and has been previously repaired with an epoxy glue. I would like to replace the oil reservoir, however I have since discovered that the style of brake oil reservoir is not shown on any of the various Jaguar brake websites that I have visited. The brake reservoir is not remote mounted nor is it the cylindrical design shown affixed to some Jaguar master cylinders. My vehicle's oil reservoir is more of a rectangular shape and I believe it is stamped with a Leyland manufacturing symbol.

The details of my car are:

Serial Number UG2G50488
Engine Serial 7P26097LA

I would be very grateful for any assistance you may be able to offer or the name of someone who may be able to assist.

best regards,

Tony Leo

Submitted by SC20-30420CJ on Wed, 12/03/2003 - 08:34

Hello Tony,
I think we need to change the name of the club to Jaguar Clubs of North AND South America!

Your brake reservoir: I'm not completely sure about the different export markets but I've never seen anything other than the round remote reservoir on a 76 XJ12C. That's what my 76 XJ12L has. Perhaps a previous owner (PO) has changed the master and reservoir for some reason? You might have to change both to get a new reservoir unless you can get more information here.

John Testrake
Jaguar Association of Greater St. Louis