Hello this car will start and run some times for around 1-3 minutes. Then it will either die and not start or it will spudder and clean up and run the rest of the day even after setting a while. Any thoughts?


Submitted by ddrule5@tds.net on Sat, 11/05/2011 - 09:22

Well the sensor had a bit of rust in the bottom of the terminals. It had some wierd readings
I replaced the sensor and so far life is good Thanks again for the advice Don Rule

Submitted by ddrule5@tds.net on Thu, 09/29/2011 - 14:30

Thanks for the tip i will get this checked out this makes a little sence due to the fact that around 95 dog. is when it will spudder and die or stumble and run the rest of the day. Thanks a million I hope you got it.

Submitted by dougdwyer1@com… on Tue, 09/27/2011 - 09:23

Spark, fuel pressue, injector pulse all OK.


I'd think that injectors would have to be massively clogged to cause a "no start" but since you've cleaned them anyway we can probably rule that out.

Have you checked the coolant temp sensor? If the reading is skewed "cold" when the engine is actually warm the engine will be over-fueled and behave like an oldie carbureted car with a stuck choke.

A poor connection at the coolant temp sensor can cause the same problem.


Submitted by ddrule5@tds.net on Tue, 09/27/2011 - 09:03

I am in Colo. USA I understand now what starters are. I have ran inj. cleaner through the injectors with aself contained system including the cold start inj. Fuel presure is good new regulator. New filter pump puts out around 80 psi regulated to 38 psi. Checked the thurmotime switch checked out ok. When this thing quits i install a noide lite on and have pulse along with spark now that the amp wes replaced. checked the coil. If the injectors were cloged would the thing run at all ? Thanks for the advice.

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Sun, 09/25/2011 - 20:14

Don if you have fuel and spark--it runs. Starters means --check that first. If you have done that and other things you should include that in your post so that a base to begin to help you is established. At this point you state you have good fuel pressure and spark--if that is true then your injectors are either clogged or not firing!

Submitted by ddrule5@tds.net on Sun, 09/25/2011 - 19:28

Not shure what the starters are in the fuel system ? The filter and pump is good. This thing will not loose fuel preaure or spark . I replaced the ign amp. That helped to me it seems that around 95 deg it will spudder if it stays running it will go all day with out any issues. checked the thurmotime switch it seems ok and times out.. Not sure that the computer is shuting down the injector pulce when the cold start injector is turned off ???? Is that even possable ??? Thanks for the help