AMEN Brother. Again you have driven the E-TYPE across the contry, I am sure at blazing speeds. I really admire you for your enthusiasm. I am planning a long trip in Peaches, most likely to Florida, within the next couple of years. I can't wait! I will keep you posted.
Drive On,
Mike 1938 SS Jaguar 1.5 Litre Saloon
More affectionately known as PEACHES

Submitted by on Sun, 04/09/2006 - 10:45

Edited on 2006-04-09 10:48:49

On behalf of the Ontario Jaguar Owners Association, congratulations to the Jaguar Drivers & Restorers Club of Northwest America for staging a first-class AGM. Ray Papineau, step up to the podium and take another well-deserved bow. The entire event, with all of its many seminars, meetings, and so on, went off without a hitch. At least from the perspective of this delegate. I can only imagine how much work went on behind the scenes and how many brush fires had to be stamped out at the eleventh hour. The entire volunteer corps who made the 2006 JCNA AGM the success it was should take more than a little satisfaction in knowing that you did a marvelous job. Everything was done so very well -- and so many Jaguar friends who normally exchange dialogue via phone or e-mail got to spend real time with each other -- this was the added extra bonus of being a delegate at your event. Thanks again, for everything! You should also know that OJOA was updating its web page at least twice daily from the AGM. To view our club's album of AGM photos, please visit our web site, at There is a selection of photos there from most of the events within the AGM, plus at least one screen saver and a couple of fun videos, too. Once again, to Ray Papineau and to the entire corps of volunteers ... THANK YOU, sincerely. We look forward to Houston, 2007.

Submitted by on Fri, 04/07/2006 - 21:39

you know, every year it's like it's better than the previous one! It's amazing to see how clubs come up with exciting stuff which make the whole trip very worthwile.

This year the evening at the Museum of Flight was certainly a new high... I know there are many pilots among JCNA members and it was a real treat for us.

In LA, the tour of the Peterson and then Jay Leno's collection was, along with the setting on board the Queen Mary, anotgehr treat. Charlotte had the Nascar runs...

The AGM is our club business meeting and i know some have suggested keeping it business like to simplify the logistics and costs. I'm not sure I agree... we need an incentive to travel across the country to sit at meetings. I doubt many will claim that sitting at a 6 hour meeting is something they look forward too... the activities, settings, are the rewards!

Ray and his crew did a terrific job, just like Ginger and Co did at orlando last year...

I really enjoyed my time in Seattle, although i wished i could have stayed a little longer. the 2 quick trips downtown were fun, it's intersting coming from Florida to be driving up and down hills ! Pikes Market is great... i wish we had one here, enough of these caned franchise chain big everything chemically altereed and discounted junk!

sunday morning, we drove to Cristal Mountain and spent 2 days there snowboarding and enjoying the fabulous setting. amazing that this is only one hour from Seatlle.

This trip was very special, in part because i drove there. I know most of you think i'm totally nuts but it was a great ride... the V12 E-typ is the ultimate GT and perfect for such trips. Eventhough i didn't have time to stop along the way, i realized even more than before how luycky we are to live in such a beautful country.

I look forward to Houston 2007 and EVEN MORE to Indianapolis in july for the 2007 JCC

Pascal Gademer
South Florida JC

Submitted by SE21-35014J on Thu, 04/06/2006 - 23:20

I would like to also add my sincere thanks to the members of the "Jaguar Drivers & Restorers Club of Northwest America" and especially to Ray Papineau (and his family) for putting together a GREAT AGM weekend event. The accomidations were great, and the Saturday night Awards Dinner was most enjoyable.
THANK you very much for your hospitality!!

Jerry Ellison
Fayetteville, NC
(Carolina Jaguar Club Delegate)

Submitted by NW41-38077J on Thu, 04/06/2006 - 16:12

The Jaguar Drivers & Restorers Club of Northwest America would like to thank all who attended the 2006 JCNA AGM. We hope that everyone enjoyed their stay in Seattle. From what we have heard the weekend was a success. A success like this was only possible due to the hard work of the 2006 JCNA AGM Planning Committee, Sponsors and the quality of the people that attended. Hosting the 2006 JCNA AGM was a great experience and we are honored to have been able to do it.
See you in Houston.

Ray Papineau
2006 JCNA AGM Chair

Submitted by NE18-28897 on Wed, 04/05/2006 - 18:08

Letter from an AGM Newbie,
Thank you to all who worked to provide the 2006 AGM in Seattle, especially the Papineau family and the Jaguar & Restorers Club of Northwest America.
The whole event was very impressive and enjoyable. What an effort that went into making that weekend! On Friday, the four JANE delegates walked around Pike's market and took a ferry to Bremerton. The evening was a visit to the flight museum at Boeing, followed by a dinner under the canopy of the airplanes. It was magical.
The best thing was meeting the people whose names and faces you have seen in JCNA news, as well as delegates from all over the country. There were 68 delegates for a total of 107 votes, I believe. This was an intelligent, capable, passionate, dedicated and enthusiastic group of people!!
The awards dinner was a highlight; the hospitality suite, silent auction and raffle prizes were great. I even have a few goodies from our hospitality bag to share. Our meeting ran a little past a parade of wonderful jaguars to view at the hotel. There were two 2007 XK8's, coupe and convertible as well. There was a red xk120 in the hotel that was a 30 year garage project in 100 point condition! It was sad to see everyone leave after all the excitement. Pascal Gademer was climbing into his XKE to drive back to Florida which he said was quite comfortable. Adrian asked, "How old are you?" Age does not have the same limits that it has in the past. Yours truly turned 60 on Friday of this event. So we are looking forward to getting together with all of you young chickies at our upcoming JANE Spring events.

Susan Curtis
Jaguar Association of New England