JCNA Members,
This is not a JCNA event, but it is an tour that I think JCNA members would find interesting. I wouldn't have posted here, except a few people at the AGM asked me for the sign-up form link and I figured this was the easiest way to get it to them.
I'd say that the COLT is the chance of a lifetime, but then all the Oil Leak tours are memorable. Blogs of previous OL tours can be found here:
http://chuck.goolsbee.org/archives/3794 (read up from this post), and here: http://nwol2012.blogspot.com.
For 2013, we have put together the COLT. The tour tacks onto the end of the Route 66 Fun Run (Seligman, AZ 5/4 to Topock, AZ 5/5 on the longest continuous stretch of the Mother Road, http://www.azrt66.com/funrun.htm). COLT starts Monday Morning, 5/6 in Lake Havasu City, AZ, and continues through the week, ending at South Lake Tahoe, Friday evening, 5/10. In between, we travel California stretches of Rt. 66, visit Harvey House history in Barstow, visit a ghost town or two, see giant sequoias in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park, spend time in Yosemite, cross the Sierra Nevadas, and circle Lake Tahoe. We'll take some incredibly beautiful roads with so many twists and turns that those of us without power steering may need physical therapy afterwards. It should be a blast.
All Oil Leak Tours are self-guided trips created almost exclusively for Jaguar cars, especially those old enough to leak. There is no charge to participate, but all expenses are the responsibility of the participants. Participants are free to caravan with other Leakers along the suggested route or deviate as they choose. They are welcome to join along the way and leave as time permits. The start, end and overnight stops are set, however the suggested route may change with conditions and as interesting spots distract us along the way.
I've attached the route as it currently exists here:
https://drive.google.com/?tab=wo&authuser=0#folders/0BxwePVhuh2qAY0ZWUjZ... or
http://tinyurl.com/dy3ywj2. (You may have to open a Google account to access the link.)
Please note that it is provisional. We all have reserved lodging at the places on the nights indicated, so those are as set as they can be. However, many roads in the Sierras are snowed closed until early or late May, sometimes even early June. We have alternates, but the route won't be changed until we are certain they are inaccessible.
You'll find the sign-up form here:
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1-qsPzyTqx1in2Y6JEMOXRH2bWp0YW0W5qep53gN... or
There is more information on the sign-up form, including links or phone numbers to the suggested lodging at each of the stops. If you are thinking of joining us, read through the form. There are some discounts you can take advantage of if you book sooner.
Welcome to the COLT,
Mark Stephenson, Activities Coordinator
Jaguar Club of Central Arizona
(but it's not a JCNA event.)