When I attempt to unlock the doors on our 1988 XJ6 with the key, the front doors work properly but both rear doors will not unlock. Both actuators are working but the locks snap up then immediately snap down. Same results with dash unlock switch. I suspect the control unit. Any suggestions?

Submitted by triath5147@msn.com on Sat, 08/21/2010 - 11:31

I don't know if this will work for you. But my XJ40 did the same thing. I took the back door panels off, and greased all of the linkage and made sure it was adjusted and free moving. Than everything worked fine. It may be that there is too much resistance in the linkage. It may also be the little micro switches in the door lock actuators.
Make sure linkage is free and smooth operating.
Make sure contacts of micro switches are in good shape
Make sure everything is cleaned with brake clean and then lubed well with a lithium grease

May not work for everybody, but it worked for me.

Submitted by steve.veris@sb… on Mon, 07/19/2010 - 17:57

My 1990 VDP does the same thing, but usually it's only the right rear door lock that has the problem. But not always; the problem comes and goes. Sometimes it's the left rear door, and the car will go for weeks at a time with all four (4) locks operating perfectly. And, again, Jaguar Service has no idea how to fix the problem! We have owned the car since December of 1990, too.