Does anyone know the correct engine idle in neutral for a V12?
Mine is at about 1300 in neutral and drops to 900 in gear
Is this correct or may it be masking an issue ?

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Tue, 02/21/2012 - 14:39

Mark Blake is correct. Do you have a handbook? Service Manual? If not you can get both from the JCNA shoppe. But here is a direct answer to this one. In your handbook (about page 64--changes slightly thru the years and do not know your year) it is 650-750. In the service manual on under carb tuning it is the same. You are on a fast idle setting or you have a vac leak or something else. Shifting the auto box into gear at 1300 is putting unessary wear on the drivetrain. Do you have your choke on or perhaps the choke has not released. In either case the handbook and service manual will walk you through 90% of your quest.

Submitted by on Tue, 02/21/2012 - 11:12


Im not sure about the 71 V12s but I found my information in the service manual that comes with the car. There is a section in there about tuning your carbs and they list the proper idle RPMs. Im assuming the manual is laid out in the same manner but Im not 100% sure.