I pulled the carpet up just behind the center console and noticed two lines on either side of the transmission "hump" (sorry for the completely untechnical term). Does anyone know what these are? My first guess was fuel lines but that would seem unlikely and somewhat dangerous, but then again, I'm new to Jags and anything is possible. Afterall, what other car has a fuel pump in the trunk :) Thank you for any assistance you can provide. I looked through my Haynes book and couldnt find anything.

Leroy Gibson
1978 XJ-6L

Submitted by tmdu161@satx.rr.com on Tue, 11/18/2003 - 22:32

Thank's for the information. As usual I learn something new everyday. I sure am glad there are so many helpful Jag owners willing to share their knowledge with rookies like me :)

Leroy Gibson
1978 XJ-6L

Submitted by dougdwyer@eart… on Tue, 11/18/2003 - 01:09

I suspect you are seeing the two a/c drain tubes which run from the evaporator case down thru the floor boards, allowing condensation to drain away.

As for trunk mounted fuel pumps...well.....actually, many, many cars have them and have had for years ! :-)

Doug Dwyer