If you check out the article on page 20 of the Nov / Dec issue of the Jag Journal, you can get a pretty good idea of what HPDE is, and how I feel about it, and track events in general.

In the past, JCNA has been criticized by some of its members for encouraging only "shine & show", and not "driving events". Our answer has been to develop the slalom program, which although growing and has attracted a considerable following, has lots more room for growth.

If we can get HPDE off the ground, our members will have a chance to show that all that talk about driving events wasn't just "B.S." To accomplish this, the JCNA needs a few nuts like me, willing to put forth a little effort to organize and advertise a minimum of two track events in each region, yearly. These would be track days already scheduled and being run by established groups like the Porsche club, SCCA, NASA, and the like.

All our HPDE Regional Coordinators would need do is to get clearance from the sponsoring group, post dates on jcna.com along with a flyer including nearby hotel information, and sign up to PARTICIPATE IN THE EVENT HIMSELF! Since we're not conducting the event ourselves, no sanctions, nor JCNA insurance would be required.

Since there are six JCNA regions, the program needs a coordinator in each. Although there may be some coordinators who will repeat, I would like to compile a list of potential candidates.
I would like the Mar/Apr issue of the Journal to include an article listing the 2005 schedule, and the contact information of all six coordinators. The $64,000. question is: WHO OF YOU OUT THERE IS WILLING TO HELP by volunteering to become an HPDE Regional Coordinator???

Please contact me ASAP.

Submitted by lenscats@comcast.net on Mon, 02/12/2007 - 17:44

I don't understand why Gary Hagopain says JCNA insurance is not required?

Since this IS an official JCNA event and it is being put on by an affiliate club of JCNA it only makes sense to me we should have insurance coverage for a HDPE event. Most venues that would allow us to use their track insist we have insurance.

Submitted by ghagopian@jcna.com on Fri, 01/28/2005 - 17:09


Scott Young, Jaguar Club of Tulsa, and
S.C. Regional HPDE Coordinator in 2004, HAS AGREED TO REPEAT IN 2005!!!

Mark Smith, Jaguar A'ssn. of Greater Indiana,

Gary Hagopian, Jaguar A'ssn of New England, HAS AGREED TO REPEAT AS N.E. REGIONAL COORDINATOR IN 2005!

OK Guys, we need (3) more volunteers for S.E., N.W., and the S.W. regions!

HPDE is the most fun one can experience while fully-clothed! Step to the Plate NOW!

Email your intentions to Gary, or just post 'em right here on this forum!

Submitted by NE18-28897 on Mon, 01/24/2005 - 20:34

I'll ask our Coventry Cat Editor to post your message in the Cat for February- he's putting the pages together now. I don't know how widely the JCNA Forum gets read up here in JANE Country, but I think if local clubs will distribute your request via their Newletters, you'll get some responses. Tell Sue that if she'll do Membership, I'll do HPDE!!!


Submitted by NE52-32043 on Mon, 01/24/2005 - 09:40

I applaud Gary's efforts at getting a HPDE program off the ground for JCNA. As JCNA Slalom Chairman, I agree that driving our wonderful cars, old or new, is the way to go. Not to diminish concours, but cars were made to drive. And Jaguars do particularly well on the track, in slalom events, autocross, rallys and just plain old drive in the country outings.

You don't have to be Mario Andretti to have fun on the track. And you don't need a full blown "track" car with all the "bells and whistles." Some of the modern cars, like the XJS's, X-types and S-types do particularly well on the track and in slalom, not to mention the XK8 and XKRs.

So get out and drive. And participate in HPDE events. Volunteer to help, and have even more fun!

And speaking of driving events, the Challenge Championship is coming up this coming September. Plan on driving a Jaguar to Atlanta, participate in the slalom, the rally and the concours, as well as other planned events, and get the full enjoyment out of your wonderful Jaguar.

Steve Weinstein, JTC-NJ