The JCNS's entry into HPDE is beginning to take shape. Expecting the number of entries to start small, we intend to "piggy-back" JCNA members' entries onto events organized and insured by more established Performance Driving entities.
We have asked several JCNA members in each of the 6 regions to become Coordinators for our program. They'll select dates and events whose prices fall within our guidelines, reserve a number of spots for our members, and advertise these in the region's newsletters, and on's calendar. We'll also ask them to suggest an hotel where we can form up as a group, and arrange gatherings of the group either before or after the events.(dinner, bench or bar racing, etc.)
So far, we have Lynn Cunningham and Scott young, S.E, and S.C. regions, who agreed to be Coordinators.
Please don't wait to be asked about becoming a Coordinator. Post your willingness here, or email
Watch this Forum for details, as they develop.