The rear window seals on my 1963 E-Type Coupe were very dried out and my son and I began the replacement. All has gone well up to the point of replacing the chrome strips. We are able to insert the outer edge of the chrome strip but unable to then insert the inner edge (without the tool A) called for in the book. Has anyone had any experience with this procedure? Thanks.

Submitted by on Tue, 02/04/2014 - 19:59

My son is working on the rear window seal replacement. Does anyone have a suggestion for the sealing compound to be used between the new rubber seal and the metal body flange? He tried 3M Super Weatherstrip but that hardens so quickly that he was unable to make final adjustments of the rubber seal, not the sealing / locking strip.

Submitted by mikebenedict@2… on Mon, 11/11/2013 - 13:56

Thanks for the information. I've been following the thread also because I have it on my to do list for the winter. I don't mean to hi-jack the thread but my car is missing the chrome surround. I heard that vendors carry different manufacturer's products and some are better fit than others. Do any of you have experience with aftermarket rear window trim?

Submitted by mr.jwhey@rocke… on Mon, 11/11/2013 - 08:50

I experienced this w/ mine and turned out the locking bead was not all the way down. If the chrome is contacting the bead at the crown, the side that's in will rock up and out as you try to lip the seal over the other side. If this is happening the bead is not all the way in. It takes a really good shove to get it all the way down in the bottom of the groove. The chrome should go in easily once the bead's all the way down.

Submitted by NE23-54945 on Sat, 11/09/2013 - 16:02

Heating up the area with a hair dryer will help.............My guys also used a rbber lube to massage things along. Its fun, but worth it when its done, try the hair drier....p.s. the heat gun is better but WATCH OUT, to close and the rubber, your hand and the paint are gone.....