Okay guys so here is my question.

So what you guys think about having a provision added to the JCNA rules and regulations governing the granting of JCNA sanctioning that would formally give ÔÇ£any member in good standingÔÇØ of JCNA the right to attend and actively participate in all JCNA sanctioned events until such right is formally withdrawn by JCNA themselves.

Presently the JCNA laws allow the individual clubs to pick and chose who does and who does not attend their JCNA sanctioned events with no minimum requirements set by JCNA to govern this selective process.

Right now you could in fact be excluded (until further notice) because of colour, race, if the club directors suddenly take a dislike to you even for contesting a Concours score as in the case just recently. No proof of any alleged misconduct is required to be produced before they can enact banishment against you and no opportunity is mandated to allow you the opportunity to defend yourself.

I am suggesting that a provision be added to the rules of JCNA that would see that the right for any club to arbitrarily issue a prohibition against any JCNA member in good standing be removed. This would be replaced with a absolute requirement for the club in question to first obtain the approval of the Board of directors of JCNA, a committee or persons put in charge of such matters.

This approval would be applied for by the club by submitting to JCNA a written application requesting the right to prohibit a person from their events. This would have to also include proof of the alleged offence not just unfounded allegations. Following this the accused would be allowed the opportunity to answer the allegations either in writing or in person if practical. This process should in no way prohibit or restrict a clubs right to eject a person from the actual event if circumstances warranted such drastic action to be taken. However for future prohibition of this ejected person they would then be required to follow the steps as previously suggested to enable the club to prevent this person from attending future JCNA sanctioned events the club may organize. This would also in no way effect the normal running of the club, its activities or the right to approve or reject its applicatants for membership.

Without such a rule change the membership we hold in good standing of JCNA means sweet-didley-squat towards allowing anybody to attend JCNA sanctioned events. So presently all the JCNA membership represents to any one of us as far as club events are concerned is that you can qualify for a JCNA year-end award if you happen to attend enough shows and earn enough points to qualify for one.

Your comments Please.

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