Well, it is again that time of year for those individuals who would like to step up to the next level of their interest and dedication to the Jaguar Clubs of North America, and consider seeking the office of Regional Director and serving on the Board of Directors of JCNA. The nominations are now open for each of the six regions of JCNA for the AGM years 2013 -&- 2014 (i.e.- two year) term of Office. Nominations must be made in accordance with the JCNA Bylaws -(as stated below)- by submission of a duly completed "Nomination for Regional Director Form" -found in the Library-link on the JCNA.com web-site, and mailed (or faxed) to me AND Deanie Kennedy -JCNA Administrator -before AUGUST 1st, 2012.

Section 1. Board of Directors: The property and business of the JCNA shall be managed by its board of directors, consisting of (a) two directors from each of the six regions, to be elected by the membership for a term of two years until the next AGM; one director from each region to be elected on even numbered years and one on odd numbered years.

(a) - A JCNA group may nominate a member in good standing by submitting a written nomination bearing the signatures and membership numbers of two officers and the nominee. OR:
(b) - ANY MEMBER may nominate a member in good standing by submitting a written nomination bearing both membership numbers and countersigned by the nominee. OR:
(c) - The NOMINATING COMMITTEE may nominate a member in good standing by executing a written nomination bearing the signatures and membership numbers of the Nominating Committee members and the nominee.

With the exception of a Nominating Committee written nomination, all other nominations must be made by members and nominees residing in the Region to be represented.

All nominees for office must have been members in good standing for at least twelve months prior to their nomination.
(2012 JCNA Bylaws Page 7-9)

I won't say to you that serving as a regional director is a "Walk-in-the-Park" -as you must attend two meetings each year (i.e.- the AGM and a short Fall meeting), and partake in many "on-line" discussions involving the "day-to-day" business of JCNA. (Some basic Computer knowledge in e-mail usage is therefore needed.) This is in addition to serving on the front-line in representing the many JCNA members of your District, and the Board of Directors and Executive Committee of JCNA. Your remuneration for this effort is solely the personal satisfaction of a "Job well done", and the appreciation of the several Jaguar Clubs and many JCNA members which you represent.

IF you have any questions about seeking the office of Regional Director of your Region please contact me at:

Gerald Ellison
Chair - JCNA Nominating Committee
E-mail: Gellisonatjcna.com