Reported on another forum this morning:

Just got a call from the shippers. My OTS and the FHC went from
their storage facility to the UK port of Felixstowe yesterday and
were stolen last night from the container. Ploice involved etc.

Needless to say, I am putting out an APB to every E-type crowd I
know in case anyone sees or is offered a scruffy but super-solid
standard FHC, or my blue OTS with Getrag and S1 centre dash panel

It's only possessions, nobody got hurt, and there will be some
insurance cover but not really for the true worth to me personally
and I'd much rather have the cars back than the money. 1R7977 and
1E33100, both on with pics etc.

Keep your eyes out folks please.

Please also pass the message to any local Jaguar club website
or bulletin boards you know of worldwide. The cars were stolen from
a busy port so may be on their way anywhere. This could be an
opportunity to harness the power of the internet and 'going viral'
to make the cars unsaleable and hopefully detectable by alerting
the whole Jaguar community worldwide.

Pete Crespin

jag at thewritersbureau dot com

Submitted by NE40-48370 on Sun, 07/08/2012 - 12:47

Can't say anything yet, may already have said too much. When there is news that is safe to post on the internet I will post it.


Submitted by woebegone@mind… on Tue, 07/03/2012 - 16:03

Thanks to the wonders of the internet and Jaguaristas spreading the
word, it seems my cars are in North Yorkshire.

Letitia Mace who runs the Jaguar newsletter
is one of many who have kindly put out an APB for the cars and a
member fo that gorup David Bell emailed back to say he saw a blue
car like mine being worked on and pushed hurriedly back in to a
barn as he drove past. He left his name and I just called him (and
the police). Here's what he said...bearing in mind dark blue is not
a rare colour for E-types in the UK so I wasn't getting my hopes up.

He saw a blue car being pushed back into a barn. It hada silver
hard top. That's mine, surely? The top had wrapping all over it -
bingo! That would be the shippers doing as I had pointedo ut it was
brand new paint. Blue car, silver hardtop in wrapping - bigo!

He said there were other cars and it was partly behind an old white
Mercedes sports car. I said that wasn't mine but they did steal two
cars - the other one was a red FHC. He said there was a blakc
Toyota pick-up with some E-type parts in it, including ap iar of
coupe doors in red. I said mine was red but he said they were
scruffy - YES, mine were scruffy!

It has to be my two cars although, tragically, it sounds like the
FHC is stripped and no doubt all those original undisturbed Browns
Lane fasteners are lying the mud of some barn and goodness knows
what has happened to the immacualte original interios vinyl etc. I
don't know whether to laugh or cry :-(

Anyway, I contacted the Cambridgeshire police and David has
contacted the Ripon police a couple of hundred miles north, so
hopefully the parts and my OTS will be recovered. I will keep you
all posted of course.
