I was cleaning up an old set of SU carbs, manifolds. linkage, etc off of a 64 E-Type that I bought as a parts car about 25 years ago, and noticed that one on the domes is slightly shorter the the other 2. Sitting inverted with the damper caps in, two measure about 3 & 11/16's and the other 3 & 9/16's. To add insult to injury I have another, no idea where it came from, that measures 3 & 15/16's. All are marked AUC 1040 and the letters P.D.C. whatever that means. Anyone have any thoughts? GC are you there?

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Sun, 06/12/2005 - 19:44

Who said you guys were invited? OK come on but wear the hat-- we got enough folks with wigs now. George Camp

Submitted by NC19-03320J on Sat, 06/11/2005 - 22:22

Stew, The trip would be worthwhile as GC has about the neatest shop that I've ever been in! You'd be much better off wearing a straw hat then that wig!

Submitted by cleavefamily@c… on Sat, 06/11/2005 - 00:27

One of these days I'm going to have to go down there to check on that car that I had crated up and deliverd to him. He said he'd have it done in about three years and I told him to take his time and to it right. Do you think if I put my wig on they'd let me in?
Stew Cleave
JOCO Chief Judge
\'69 E-Type 2+2 and other LBC\'s

Submitted by NC19-03320J on Wed, 06/08/2005 - 12:22

Stew, You just may be right. Perhaps the neck is shorter because the Canadian dollar is smaller! I talked with the Major this morning and he's going to send me the proper dashpot. He was in a very good mood, do you suppose he's feeling poorly? All kidding aside George has a very large amount of early Jag parts and his original Churchill tool collection has to be the best in the country along with his collection of ORIGINAL service & spares bulletion, factory letters etc. Too bad you live too far away to visit, but on second thought I'm not sure if the South Carolina border patrol would let a left coaster in!!

Submitted by cleavefamily@c… on Mon, 06/06/2005 - 15:50

If you got these off a Canadian Car, perhaps one carb was shortened to clear customs.
Stew Cleave
JOCO Chief Judge
'69 E-Type 2+2 and other LBC's

Submitted by NE52-32043 on Mon, 06/06/2005 - 12:04

I know that someone is going to jump down my throat about this comment, but I seem to recall that at some point, the sets of triple SU's put on the early 4.2 cars had a shorter dome on the front carb than the other two, apparently to prevent interference with the bonnet. The two sets that I have gotten for my cars are all the same, but I have seen this variation on other older E-types. I wish I had some pictures to confirm this, but I recall seeing it, and I've read discussions about this on other forums as well. My recollection of things is not always 100%, but that's what I've seen and heard.

Steve Weinstein, JTC-NJ

Submitted by NC19-03320J on Mon, 06/06/2005 - 10:12

Major Camp, SIR, Gee, now I've got you and that left coast guy both on my case! Even with what's left of my feeble brain I was aware that it was a mixed set and I was hoping that with your many years of experience, Sir, you might know what they were off of. By the way the AUC 1040 markings were at the top inside of the dome. I'll give you a shout some morning this week.

Submitted by cleavefamily@c… on Mon, 06/06/2005 - 00:08

Us Series 2 and 3 E-type guys thought all you Series 1 guys knew that the P.D.C. on the SU's stood for Poorly Designed Carburetter.
Stew Cleave
JOCO Chief Judge
\'69 E-Type 2+2 and other LBC\'s

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Fri, 06/03/2005 - 17:35

As Pappilion (sp) Steve McQueen said in the movie "I'm still here you B*****ds. What you have is a mixed set. The marked parts are not the damper chamber which is where your diff, is. Still worth keeping. George Camp

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Fri, 06/03/2005 - 17:34

As Pappilion (sp) Steve McQueen said in the movie "I'm still here you B*****ds. What you have is a mixed set. The marked parts are not the damper chamber which is where your diff, is. Still worth keeping. George Camp