I searched for over a year looking for just the perfect XJ-S. Up and down the Atlantic seaboard through Dixie back west and north. My profession requires travel and patience. I took advantage of this when I could and became familiar with this special breed of cat. Still nothing jumped out at me. I wanted a coupe (structural integrity)and pre-facelift class, (chrome, chrome, CHROME)!
I've had a love affair with automobiles all my life and enjoyed so many. If you check in the album you will see some of them. All American made and each and everyone I eventually changed, a few radically! I'm an engineering addict. I can't stop myself from tinkering and altering my shiny lovers and not always for the best!
I finally had a nibble, a red 84' hiding in Brooklyn somewhere. (via E-Bay). I arranged to see and possibly liberate her on a Saturday in late May. That Friday just before my Dear wife was still diligently searching the web and Bang!! 11:00 PM she trips over a new posting (E-Bay again) and It was only 20 miles away! (The City was over 450) I met my future kitten the next morning and she blew me away. A beautiful, pampered survivor owned by an aging former Marine just like me. He was near 80, vision going and wanted a good home for his dear pet. He acquired her from the original owner in Arizona 20 years before. The single fault he noted was a loss of performance the last few years. She was logy and unresponsive when tested but I could care less - IT WAS A JAGUAR!!! I couldn't get the funds transferred fast enough convinced I had basically robbed this poor man. I drove my new Lady home and all was right with the world! She has been my love and everyday driver ever since. After getting over the "its new and beautiful, but what if"? syndrome I began to tempt fate, on the Thruway, clear back roads, I490, anywhere I could wind the V-12 up a little bit She began to really get snappy! The more I pushed the better she ran!! She liked it! The last five years before me she clocked less than 4K miles, I put nearly 10K on the first summer and loved every second. Needless to say things began to give out. Nothing major but the signs were evident. Just as most owners predicted and exactly according to my nefarious plan! Since my wife and friends, my Kids and associates all said to "take it easy, Its a work of art, you want it to be damaged???" Like an Alcoholic falling of the wagon after many years "It had Begun". The tools were scattered about once more, the late night research into what made her do this or that. How can I get more out of this part? Yep, after 25 years of keeping my promise to my wife, (no more tire smoke and exhaust thunder until the Kids are on their own! Yes, then you can find something, Ok)... She had promised too!
The Cat awaits the 5 speed conversion as I peck this out. The exhaust is altered and sweet! The ignition and fuel delivery systems efficiency is way up. I found a 1975 pre-HE V-12 with those lovely flat heads and low compression spec at 7.8:1 (and it has less than 54K on the clock!!!). It just screams for my deft touch at porting and polishing. The oversized valves are ordered and the Cams as well. I'll spend next winter in my shop designing a progressive installation of two remotely located turbochargers, intercooler methanol/water injectors and all the related majic stuff but under the boot. (yep, the boot..) GOD I"M SO VERY HAPPY!!!
That said my fellow Jaguar Junkies, I know the purists are having seizures so just let them know, I'm not a Lump Humper, that is a V-12 not a small block Chevy with a roots blower. For several years now all I have heard about or read is making real power with this British boat anchor is too expensive or too difficult. Kiss my Scottish-Welsh butt you sniveling Chevy losers, nothing sounds as sweet as 12 cylinders warming up!
Just wait till' they get a load of Me...and her!