News & Articles
Awards Point System Reviewedor, How do I win an award?For those who are wondering just how points are earned during the year and for those of us who know, but tend to forget from year to year, here is the run down. Points are tallied during the year, and Waterford crystal is given to the top ten point winners at the annual awards dinner.
Mandatory requirements include:
1. Serve as a chair, co-chair or helper for any event
2. Attend a minimum of 50 percent of the meetings
3. Attend a minimum of four events
Points Awarded for JAGSL Sanctioned Activities and Events
1. Attend a meeting or event 1 point
2. Drive a Jag to a meeting and/or event (in addition to attending) 1 point
3. Serve as an event chair or co-chair 5 points
4. Serve as an event helper 2 points
5. Serve as Editor of The Growl 3 points/issue
6. Serve as JAGSL Webmaster 1 points/month
7. Write an article printed in The Growl (one per issue) 1 point
8. Submit an article for reprint that is reprinted in The Growl
(one per issue) and/or (1) photo /event/issue and/or (1) non-event
photo per issue 1 point
9. Submit nominations for Cat Bite or Mechanic of the Year 1 point
10. Submit beginning/ending mileage(s) for mileage competition
(Maximum (1) per household) 1 point
JCNA-Sanctioned Events (held in St. Louis)
11. Concours Chair 17 points
12. Rally Master 10 points
13. Slalom Master 7 points
14. Helper for JCNA-sanctioned events 3 points
15. Compete-Show Car / Display Car 5 / 2 points
Judges/tabulators/crew members/checkpoint personnel, etc. Additional points (up to 10 are available at the discretion of the Concours Chair/Rally Master/Slalom Master
JCNA-Sanctioned Events (outside St. Louis)
16. Event attendance 1 point
17. Event participation (in addition to attendance) 1 point
Not only by attending these events do you have a chance to win next January, but by participating in JAGSL you get to know more of the members, have fun experiences, and learn more about the Jaguar car you own and sometimes love. As a member, you are
Invited and encouraged to get involved in YOUR club.