Club Page Run Through

Simply put, there is just no excuse left for your club not to have a professional looking website. The new club home pages bring all the essential information visitors and members expect to find, including: announcements, upcoming events, newsletters, and more! All the information is pulled from the JCNA database resulting in always up to date pages. Best of all, you don't need any special skills or software. All updates are done through simple online forms. If your club has it's own website, you can still use some of the features we offer. Combining both will give you maximum flexibility, but if you find it difficult to keep you site up to date, consider at least using the new homepage.

The guide below is for you to access, whenever, if you are having troubles, or have questions about using the website in order to add/edit content for your club. Any other questions can be send via email to

Logging In
In order to log in, you must click "Club Login" in the top right menu of the JCNA website. You will be brought to a screen that asks you for the username and password, in which every club is pre-assigned. To reset this password, click on "Request New Password" tab, and input your email in the field. If your email address is attached to the club's website, a password reset email will be sent to you. Please notify Club Officers, JCNA president, Webmaster, and any other people able to access the club website, of the password change.

Drupal Edit Screens
Wherever you are throughout the website, logged in as a user/club, you will be given a special overlay edit screen whenever you want to add/edit a piece of content for the website. This edit screen is very dynamic and easy to navigate, and basically creates much advanced coding for you, with just a type of your keyboard, or the click of your mouse. Although the edit screens vary depending on what type of content you are editing or adding, every field that you will need to fill in will have a set of specific, easy-to-follow instructions for you.

Update Club Data
Club data includes all of the important contact information for your club. Here, you can

  • Change the name of your club
  • Change your club's information, including address, phone, external website, and logo
  • Change your club's officer information
  • And update your club's newsletter options

Content Manager
The club's Content Manager section of the website, lists all of the pieces of content that the club has ever posted, which could include JCNA News posts, Affiliate News Posts, or any posts concerning HPDE, or the Technical & Original documents. This section is separate from Club events, which will be discussed further into this help guide.

Every post has an "Edit" feature, in which you can go in and instantaneously change content of a post, and re-add it to the website. By selecting "Add Article", you will receive a blank edit screen, for which to add an entirely new post to the website.

Online Calendar
The online calendar feature of the website is a great way for clubs to post and view events around the nation and around the world! Each club has this option on their Club Page home, and will list all of the events posted by their club, similar to the Articles, with options to edit each event. This list will show both sanctioned and unsanctioned events, and will be specific to your club.

Post New Events/Request Event Sanction
Events are probably the most important feature of JCNA and this website, and your club! We give you the ability to add events, request sanctioning for events and add results for events. By clicking on this, "Post New Events..." link, you will immediately be brought to a blank event edit screen, where you can input all of your events information. Be sure to fill out all of the fields to the best of your knowledge, and once saved, will be sent to the JCNA president for sanctioning approval. Regardless of sanctioning, the event will be posted to the calendar once you click "Save", and will be added to your clubs Online Calendar list of events. If you ever need to edit anything regarding the event, you may access the event by the Online Calendar link, in your club's home page. ASSIGN A UNIQUE NAME TO EACH EVENT!

Online Scoring System
Once an event is added, and it appears in your club's online calendar, the event also should appear in the "Online Scoring System" section of your website. This list will display the event date, event location/type, the contact information for the event, and an "Add Score" feature. Adding scores is as easy as adding all of the drivers information, and of course, their score for the event. All scores that are submitted for events, are sent to the JCNA president for approval. Once approved, they will be posted to the event, on the event calendar. The scores will also be submitted to an entire collection of drivers and their scores for different events, which is available through each events Leader board.

JCNA Number Search
This feature of the Club Services page functions similar to a search engine, but for member numbers throughout JCNA. Simply input the information that you know, and search results will yield member information based upon your search terms.

Judge List
The judge list is simply that:  The list of judges associated with your clubs events. This list will display the judges information, along with a "View History" link, that will list all of the events that that specific judge judged, along with that events results.

Judge Roster
The Judge Roster will be similar to the Judge List, however, you will be able to add a new judge, and edit current judge's information.

Preview Your Club Website
This feature is exactly how it sounds. Upon selecting this feature, you will be brought to your club page in its entirety.

Club Services Help
This selection is what you are currently reading, and is always a useful tool for answering any questions regarding the functionality of the website.

Club Editor List
The Club Editor list will display a list of all of the users subscribed to your Newsletter, as well as a list of mailing labels for JCNA clubs

Send Event Reminder
For sending out notices of events or other news to subscribed members of your club, use this function to compose your message and send.