I have a Series 1 XJ12 5.3l Jaguar Engine
Engine code: 7P1070 7

What would a complete series 1 engine w/ Stromberg Carbs (not running) be valued at?


Submitted by bonnettoboot@e… on Mon, 12/06/2010 - 17:53

Hello Devon, perhaps my response was a little flippant, the fact is they are too expensive to build (around 10K) even if you know the history. many of them were badly overheated making rebuild virtually impossible (warped components), furthermore, there were so many conversions to V8' that there are lots of used units about. I did have access to a fully refurbished long block, CW cyl head but it cost in the region of $5000 it was going to a member in Canada but he backed out at that price. good luck.

Submitted by NE40-48370 on Mon, 12/06/2010 - 16:44

I think what the guys are telling you is basically correct, unless you want to strip and refurbish the engine yourself.

The 'problem' is that apart from the switch to HE and ultimately 6L configuration, V12s are all pretty much alike and they don't wear out, they just rot out by being left unsealed like yours or they overheat to death though poor maintenance. Consequently, in the event someone needs an engine, it is almost always easier/cheaper to buy a runner or non-rusted example out of an XJ-S, of which there are thousands, than buy an unknown engine which will need just as much attention as the one they already own.

By the time someone organises things to overcome the logistics of bringing a 600lb lump home (i.e. time or money or both) they may as well make that investment for a running or recently-extracted complete engine that they can install with minimal fuss. Yours is not such an engine. The intake stuff might sell for a little but with lots of people switching to EFI to improve economy and driveability, there are lots of surplus carbs and manifolds out there.

There is mild demand for the early flat heads ,so you could try pulling those off and selling them separately. Accent on the word 'try' because yours look like they might be corroded on and I wouldn't pay much to make or hire the large head removal tool...

Submitted by gillighan@hotm… on Mon, 12/06/2010 - 16:10

It's Devon, not David btw. Could it be a rebuild project?
I'm wondering what your basis for calling it scrap is. I'm just curious, cause I've been told that it's not scrap and that being a Series 1 has value. Are you a mechanic, have you done rebuilds? How much would a XJ12 engine be worth if it were mint? Some constructive criticism would be nice... just calling it CONTAMINATED scrap really doesn't help me. I guess according to you, looking at this picture it would not be worth rebuilding or putting money into?
I just want to know at what point is it not worth being an engine anymore and becoming scrap?

Submitted by gillighan@hotm… on Mon, 12/06/2010 - 15:57

It's Devon, not David btw. Could it be a rebuild project?
I'm wondering what your basis for calling it scrap is. I'm just curious, cause I've been told that it's not scrap and that being a Series 1 has value. Are you a mechanic, have you done rebuilds? How much would a XJ12 engine be worth if it were mint? Some constructive criticism would be nice... just calling it CONTAMINATED scrap really doesn't help me. I guess according to you, looking at this picture it would not be worth rebuilding or putting money into?
I just want to know at what point is it not worth being an engine anymore and becoming scrap?