Hello All,
I'm not sure if this was addressed here already, but I updated my computer to Windows vista a year or so ago, and haven't been able to view my Jaguar Manual CD because of a HCPS Loader error. I could open the files fine on my old XP PC but that PC is no longer hooked up to a printer.
Through my searching online I found out that the HCPS loader ver 2.0.1. etc. that was used to encode the pdf files on the CD is not compatible with Vista or Win 7, and there is no patch available to make it compatible, nor will there ever be one.
In any case, after much heart ache and searching. I stumbled upon a hex code breaker so that I could save the PDF files from my CD to my new PC so now I can view my manual with vista.

I'm not sure if I can upload files to this forum so I am providing my Email address: triath5147atmsn.com

If anyone is interested email me, and I will attach the hex code breaker so you can use the pdf documents on the CD that you paid for.

Submitted by triath5147@msn.com on Sun, 06/26/2011 - 21:24


Just to advise, I have had two people recently tell me that the Hex unlocker was not working in Windows 7. But they used an XP computer and got it to work fine. So If you email me, for the program, make sure you have access to an XP computer, or the fix may not work, for extracting the files. Of course once they are extracted you can use them on any PC with Acrobat Reader.

Submitted by triath5147@msn.com on Sun, 09/12/2010 - 19:37

Very True. But having it on CD has it's advantages as well, of course, why they made the CD encrypted, and then refuse to make a fix for their customers is beyond me. When I emailed the company they told me that there was no fix and that I could buy a new DVD version which will work on Vista and Windows 7. However Just like your hard copy, I bought that CD for life, and I'll be damned if I'm paying a second time for the same information. Luckily I found a fix. Althoug I've had more Emails from people with MG manuals than from the Jag Forum. Apparently the MG manuals on CD are the same way, and when they Google for a fix they find my post.
Don't worry though, I'm a Jag guy, so I make sure I tell them not to bother fixing their MG's and buy a Jag instead when I email them the hex unlocker. ;)

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Sun, 09/12/2010 - 14:37

Albert thanks for your help but it just goes to prove that if you just have a HARD copy you do not have any of those issues--that and you can take it to your car and drop it--write in it--and get it dirty--no problems!