To: The JCNA general membership.

Part of the JCNA Nominating Committee's job, after the Regional Director Elections, is to then solicit the ELECTED directors to find those interested in the following officer positions:


Vice President


Elected Director (to the executive committee of four)

Once those names are secured, that slate of candidates will be posted here for the delegates to the 2009 AGM to contemplate, and subsequently to vote upon, as one of the first orders of business at the AGM.

JCNA By-Laws provide for nominations from the floor of the AGM, of additional candidates, also selected from the ELECTED directors. The term "Elected directors" is stressed here, because there may be other appointed directors on the JCNA BOD, such as the "Designated Director" from Jaguar Cars, or the Legal Counsel, or a person appointed as "director for Life", such as Dick Howe.

The request for volunteers for the officer positions went out a couple of days ago, and we have already received S.E. regional director Dick Maury's confirmation that he wishes to run for a second one-year term as JCNA Vice President.
We expect to fill out the "slate" in another week or so, and will post the names to this thread as they are received.

We, the general membership owe the officers and regional directors, our thanks for spending their time and money for the benefit of our organization.

Please direct any questions to me here on this forum, AND to my email address:

Submitted by on Sat, 02/07/2009 - 22:07

No need to get complicated. Keep something like $50k in the bank and give the rest back to the clubs pro rata. If your club has 50 members and JCNA has 5000 then you get 50/5000 or one percent of the total handed back.

My point is this: obviously JCNA is not doing anything useful with the money (why they can't come up with programs and benefits that are useful to their membership is another story), so why accumulate it? Give it back and let the clubs find ways to spend it.

By the way, I have no conflict of interest in this as I took my club out of JCNA several years ago. We would get zippo in a payout.


Submitted by on Sat, 02/07/2009 - 19:00

At the end of the competition year or thereabouts all JCNA NW Regional Affiliate Groups gather for a year end disccussion and plans for the following year.
This type of meeting has been happening as long as I have been a member, and before for a long time.
One item brought up for discussion was the possibility of JCNA financially helping Board Members ( who request it ) with costs of attending such JCNA Board Mtgs.
I mentioned that I had made this proposal quite a while ago via Gary Hagopian, unfortunately we all do not have the same amount of spending cash as each other and possibly this would aid good representation from members like myself who would be more able to be a part of JCNA BOD if this type of funding were available. Basically the minimum expenses of the Regional Reps would be covered, so a basic air ticket if needed and the two nights hotel were covered, so possibly $1,000 per year should be possibly be adequate.
With approx $350,000 in JCNA's bunkers , and an annual membership influx of around $ 150,000, as well as cash sums of money from Jaguar Cars of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>. ( not sure on that one sorry ) I am sure our JCNA Car Club could do it, or the other alternative divide by 65 or whatever the # of affiliate groups are right now........
Go for it boy's......... Art

Submitted by on Fri, 02/06/2009 - 20:36

Hi Robert,
nor have we but I was told by Nelson he was awaiting instructions from Jaguar liason on how much to send out, I suggested that perhaps simple division of what was available from Jaguar Cars be divided by the # of Affiliate Groups in good standing, and simply send it out.
Close to where we live there is a place called Hope, that is how we all have to go on I guess,beieving " in Hope ".
Thank the Lord it has stopped ( we Hope ) snowing , six and a half feet is more than enough for me in Pitt Meadows........

Submitted by NC19-03320J on Fri, 02/06/2009 - 09:31

I can't recall that we, Michigan, received any money from Jaguar for the past two years. Daniel, George paid his "dues" to JCNA long ago and certainly doesn't need the hassel of being on the BOD. In fact if it wasn't for the "dumpster drving talents" of Mike, Karen and George part of the archives would have been lost in Jaguars move to Mahwah.
PS Daniel, I see that you've lost none of your pot stirring talents!

Submitted by on Fri, 02/06/2009 - 08:11

Art: keep believing that!

George: no, I'm not kidding. The JEC sends full financial statements to all members each year as an insert to the magazine. Since JCNA "belongs" to the member clubs, why shouldn't they do the same?

Submitted by on Thu, 02/05/2009 - 21:35

I believe most of the money comes from Jaguar Cars, and a certain amount is given to all clubs asking for sponsorship each year to help PR for the new cars being sold today... it sometimes takes awhile to come through , but in the end I am sure we shall see it.............................................................................................

Submitted by on Thu, 02/05/2009 - 18:45

The humour was in the fact that there is a snowball's chance in Hell of George ever accepting to tbe the president of the current-form JCNA. You would make a great president, but JCNA would be left battered and bruised after your term!

Anyway, we should get off this thread before we get banned from the forums!

Please drop me an email (I can't find yours for some reason). I want to talk to you about this archives/factory records/microfiche thing.


Submitted by SW07-04436J on Thu, 02/05/2009 - 13:46

George Camp for president? Sounds great, get him to run for regional director nex time around and he might have a shot at it.

As per the bylaws
Section 1. Officers: The officers of JCNA shall be the president, vice-president, secretary
and treasurer. The president and vice-president must be elected members of the board of