Hello everyone,

I'm a new guy on the forum--sounds like there are
lots of knowledgeable Jaguar members in this forum--
I'm restoring my 70 E-Type Roadster and need to remove the engine-(seized)--My question is--do I have to completely remove the torsion bars in order to remove the reaction plate--I have the shocks off and the suspension "hanging " with no tension on the lower control arm--I was also going to remove the lower ball joints to relieve more pressure off of the torsion bars--

Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated

Submitted by SC38-21185J on Thu, 07/31/2008 - 18:54

Hi Sal... the short answer is YES. You have to remove the tie plate before you can remove the engine, hence the torsion rods will need to come out.

Get RobertStevenson's article as he wrote above.

Remember there is a front and a back to the torsion bars...take LOTS of pictures
