The complete ParliamentarianÔÇÖs Ruling has been posted by Pascal on the JCNA, AGM page:

There will be a Parliamentarian at the 2009 AGM which is currently scheduled to be held in Denver. Several clubs were contacted about hosting the 2009 AGM after the 2008 AGM and said they did not have enough time or club volunteers to put an AGM together in less than a year so two members from the Denver club stepped right up and everything is already scheduled. However, I do not want anyone to say that I scheduled the AGM in Denver for my convenience so I am opening up the opportunity for any of you to jump right in and put an AGM together. Rob and I got everything lined up in a week and confirmed in two weeks and put deposits down with our own money, as our club had just put up all the financing needed for Western States 2008 (two months away). Oh, you still have time to register for this event and DRIVE your Jaguar to it.

So, jump right in. You have plenty of time. I expect to hear from LOTS of you within the week that you want to host the 2009 AGM. You should have everything lined up and paid for by the Fourth of July. You need a hotel that has a meeting room for Friday that will easily seat the board plus 20 interested members. A Friday afternoon and evening event like the Clive Cussler Museum and dinner, a Saturday meeting room that will comfortably seat 150 to 200 delegates and banquet facilities. Piece of cake! Denver will gladly step aside.

You are also welcomed to higher your own Parliamentarian to be present at the 2009 AGM no matter where it is held. Just be sure the person is a Professional Registered Parliamentarian and a Member National Association of Parliamentarians. Expect to pay at least $500 per day. The Parliamentarian will need to be present at the Friday board meeting and the Saturday AGM.

Also, any of you are welcomed to run for representative in your respective regions. Once on the JCNA board, you are also certainly welcomed to run for president. I know there are quite a few of you who think you can do this job better. Here is your chance to prove it. Put your time where your mouth is. You will then have the responsibility to make sure the JCNA bylaws are followed correctly and that your personal opinions are set aside to protect the bylaws.

Steve Kennedy
President JCNA

Submitted by on Tue, 06/10/2008 - 07:11


Thanks for putting a new AGM together so fast while also dealing with the challenges of hosting a Western States event. From the details you described it sounds like a great weekend. Clive Cussler has been a collector of antique cars for some time and his collection should be a lot of fun. Plus Denver will be more affordable and accessible for many to be able to attend. Please post the dates as soon as you get everything finalized so we can make plans to attend.

The 2009 AGM should be very interesting and I guarantee that St. Louis will be there. We wonÔÇÖt be represented by proxies next year. Although IÔÇÖm also unhappy with the new driven rule as it ended up IÔÇÖm more disappointed in the pin stripe rule and know that has run off at least three of our members from showing their cars. That rule is a real Concours participation killer. Bu thatÔÇÖs a personal agenda for me as well, IÔÇÖm sure, several others.

As far as the job SteveÔÇÖs doing, come on everyone give him a break. He just started. And this badly managed rule change was under the previous administration.

Jim McDonald
Jaguar Association of Greater St. Louis