a colleague has a 1966 E Type coupe with a faulty turnsignal actuator. We have tried replacing the core return mechanism with a new unit found in a British car part supplier's store from the late sixties. The left turn return still does not function and we think something is wrong with this replacement unit. Where else might we find a replacement unit?

Submitted by vinvstrom@sbcg… on Fri, 03/28/2008 - 15:55

64 xke roadster

I have needed that little plastic piece inside that breaks for some years. Unable to find one resonable I resorted to the fix below. Its a stretchy piece of something I push up to turn right and pull down to turn left and it stops an otherwise constant left turn indication. Not quite original but It allows me to drive it.
Thanks Patrick for the link to your fix directions I do intend a proper fix soon.

Submitted by SC38-21185J on Wed, 03/26/2008 - 13:54

Interesting that you should post such a question. As it turns out, I produced an in-depth, comprehensive, technical article on how to restore a 1966 turn signal unit, but after several months of waiting and and a few attempts at contacting those responsible, it still does not show up in the technical library. I'm beginning to believe it's something personal....so I give up.

Send me your e-mail address and I will send the article to you. It will answer all your questions. My e-mail address is mcloadatgmail.com