In a lage part thanks to this website I have now taken possession of a 1997 XJ6-L, Saphire blue/white (bone?) interior. I love it. Well, let me re-phrase that: I love it. Smooth, quiet, powerful, prestigious, comforatble, comforting, and incredibly reasonably priced.

Anyway, I have a little problem, well, two. Everything on the car works, except one little thing and one bigger thing:

One little thing: the left reading light switch does not light up with the headlights on. The other reading light switch and the dome switch do, but not that one. Is this like a fibre-optic setup? Or are there individual LED's or somesuch tucked up in there?

One BIGGER THING: the clock's LCD fades in and out. SSometimes i can't read it, sometimes it's fine. It's cool here in Oregon right now so it's not heat-related (I don't think). Any ideas on how to fix that? Or wher edo I find a new clock? And, if I find one, how do I install it?

Oh, one more thing (this makes three): for my portrait business (, I carry a big roll-around bag (like soft-side luggage) for my lighting kit. I put this in the boot and it rolls around a bit when I corner. I would like to install some tie-down points in the trunk to hook bungies to so I can strap my kit in place to avoid damage to it. Any ideas of where are good (or BAD!) spots to do this? I'd like four total, one in each corner of the boot.

Thanks to all!

Charles Waugh
Boring, OR (yes, it really is called Boring!)