My 1996 XJS 2+2 Conv. needs a new headliner. Has anyone purchased one online and if so who has the best most authentic? I've seen GAHH and AAbest but don't know if they are exactly like OEM.



Submitted by on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 12:51


Thanks, I purchased one from them but when it showed up it was no where near the quality I was looking for. In their defence, I think ACME in CA. who makes them didn't follwo through on what they told AA Best they would send me. The color was off by at least two shades, the foam was not sandwiched between the cloth but wide open on the side you don't see. If you held it up to the light, you could see through it and none of the pockets or velcro was on it either. I ended up purcahsing one from GAHH and it was perfect. I put it in last weekend and it looks great to me.
