Submitted by on Mon, 07/24/2006 - 15:11


I have a question about Class S3 Non-authenticity Deduction Form. It's filled out by the owner of the car in order to qualify for the S3 class. Does anyone know if the deductions listed will be deducted from the actual score at a show?


Submitted by on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 19:53

if non orginality deducts were deducted, you need to file a protest... i think you have 45 days. although you may want to take it to the club chief judge first to see if he would correct it. if not, file a protest. can't believe a certified judge AND a chief judge woudl make such a mistake.

moreover, originality deduct needs to be initialed by the entrant, did they ask you to inial non originality deduct in S3 ?


Submitted by on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 18:51


Thanks for the reply, that's what I thought. In my case the 110 points from that form were added to the 9 point of actual deduction on the score sheet. Do you know how that can be fixed?

Thanks, Vlad