As many of you know, the JCNA limits a Regional Director to "three consecutive two year terms".

Lisa Hendrix, Southeast Regional Director and longtime Jaguar enthusiast, has completed her three terms.

As a former three term JCNA Director and President, I want to make sure that Lisa knows how highly her service as SCRD is regarded. She was always a "go-to" person when someone was needed to handle a task. Space is limited, so I can highlight only a few items.

As well as being a visible and active representative in her region, she worked tirelessly on the two most recent Challenge Championship committees, was the JCNA's Concours Advocate, and provided critical help as AGM Delegate Coordinator during her time as a Director. She never missed a meeting, and her contributions have been a great help in conducting the JCNA's business.

Please join me in thanking Lisa and in wishing our JCNA friend well in future endeavors. See you on the concours circuit!

Gary Hagopian

Submitted by on Fri, 04/07/2006 - 21:25


she is going to be missed...

there are 2 types of Regional directors... those who you never hear from, just show up at the two meetings because they have to... when they leave, you don't even notice as you didn't know they were there!

then you have those who come on board (pun intended) with ideas, enthusiasm and dedcation to improve our club and better serve the members and our hobby. Lisa is definitely one of them. I hope she returns in the future...

Pascal Gademer