What is being called the most important private Jaguar collection in Europe has been savaged by vandals who went on a rampage of driven destruction.

The This is Gwent website ( http://archive.thisisgwent.co.uk/2006/2/28/80402.html ) reports that the collection owned by Dr. James Hull has received hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of damage.

Hull, a dentist, has been building up his collection for more than 25 years and his collection includes about 60 cars, the oldest dating to 1934.

Many of the classic Jaguars were driven into each other and into fences on the purportedly "secure" storage, according to the This is Gwent report. The location is in the south of Wales.

Hull described his collection as the most important private Jaguar collection in Europe. Six of the damaged vehicles were to be used in the Queen's birthday celebrations this year, said the report.

Before the widespread vandalism, Hull has been talking to other collectors about opening a motoring museum. These plans "are no longer viable," according to This is Gwent in its report.

Submitted by bevanadams@hot… on Fri, 05/19/2006 - 08:22

I live only 40 miles from where this devastating vandalism took place. I red about it in a small section of the national news paper (I guess its not news to every reader of the Sunday times).
Being a jaguar owner my self I tried to contact the owner of theirs cars and offer my condolences and help, but with no luck.
I drove to Newport where the cars where being stored, it was two days after the braking and some of the cars were still out in the yard, an unrecognisable s2 e-type, whatÔÇÖs left of a 97 xk8, it broke my hart!
I was told by one of the police offices, obviously seeing I was a jaguar enthusiast that Dr Hull lived and worked in central London. He stored the cars in south Wales because it is much less expensive than any were near London. He assured me that the cars where fully insured and all the work were being carried out by a jaguar dealers club in Manchester.
That part of south Wales is a sad place, full of industries that once where. Newport was once the third largest seaport in the UK and now itÔÇÖs just a place for cheap public housing. It seams to be full of alcoholics and narcotics. Immigrants that have come to steal there, but not legal immigrants with green cards but illegal immigrants with no money and no appreciation for what Britain once were.
And donÔÇÖt think for a second that there will be any jail sentences for this crime against history; remember that a life sentence here is only 25 years. 15 for good behaviour.
God may bless 'America' and 'save the Queen' but he's done nothing for Newport. I guess you need a place for leftovers.

1991 XJ40 3.2

Submitted by NC43-62049 on Wed, 03/08/2006 - 11:47

17 year olds should tried, convicted and punished as ADULTS. They are beyond their parents' control now. The prison sentences should be lengthy to relfect the historical value of the property damaged.

Sadly, I doubt the louts or their parents could pay cost of the damage.

Community service of 1000 hours detailing cars would be poetic jusitce but I doubt any sane owner would want them near any vintage car now.

Dan Lokun
Toronto Canada
90 XJ-S

Submitted by silver007@shaw.ca on Mon, 03/06/2006 - 20:45

Art Dickenson.
1983 XJS GT "Silver"
Pacific Jaguar.ca

Hi Bob,
I believe in the UK there is a process in which the parents share the punishment, this includes possible JAIL time. Unfortunately today there is too much "spare the rod and spoil the child " going on and many children feel they can do anything they want and get away with it. It is very easy to make children , as it has been for years of course, and it is way easier to let them do whatever they want, rather than to guide them with a firm yet caring hand. I am not sure what the percentage change has been over the years with foster children, but my wife and I have cared for about a hundred of them over the 17 years we have been involved with child care. Some may have been only for a few days, most were for months, the two girls we are currently caring for haave been with us for almost 9 years. They are now young adults and will do well in life compared to their origins, they however have to pay for their mistakes, but are doing well in school and will graduate well. Chase say's Hi,
Best Wishes, Art....Pacific Jaguar

Submitted by peddlarbob@sym… on Mon, 03/06/2006 - 07:15

Art. The word is that three sixteen-year-old kids were responsible for all this damage. They have not been charged yet but charges are expected to be laid soon. Hopefully the parents will be held responsible for the repair costs and the kids will be shot.

92 Ser III V-12 VDP #31 Canadian Edition
87 Ser III V-12 VDP
86 Ser III AJ6/Soveriegn
85 Ser III XJ6/VDP
65 MkII 3.4 Automatic
59 MkI 3.4 Automatic

Submitted by silver007@shaw.ca on Sun, 03/05/2006 - 19:13

Art Dickenson.
1983 XJS GT "Silver"
Pacific Jaguar.ca

Hey, this kinda makes me feel like when our local boy/ young man racer Greg Moore was killed at Homestead, I did not want to even see the crash replay, and I never have. Some things are just too much to relive and look at. I am presently restyling and repainting the front of my car for the upcoming race and Concours season, I know how much work is involved especially when the work is done by oneself, and not just with a cheque book,

Submitted by ojoa@cogeco.ca on Sat, 03/04/2006 - 23:45

Images of the devastation can be found at...


I'm not sure if words can appropriately describe the visceral response one has to this .....

... but it's also a cautionary tale to all of us . . . to make darned sure that our "secure" storage is just that.

I'm sure Dr. Hull is physically sick over this . . . poor man.

Yes, there are much worse things to suffer ... but for a passionate Jaguar enthusiast, this is well over 9 on the scale of 1 to 10.

At least Dr. Hull's Jaguars are, apparently, still repairable. This appears to be the only positive outcome.

I hope he is able to recover his collection eventually.

Jeff Booth

Submitted by silver007@shaw.ca on Sat, 03/04/2006 - 22:52

Art Dickenson.
1983 XJS GT "Silver"
Pacific Jaguar.ca

Unbelievable that this has happened, is it a lack of respect, discipline, too many bleeding hearts. When I was probably the age of these "yobboes" I simply admired such items as these people have abused, hopefully this gentleman had insurance to cover the repairs to the Jaguars.It seems we need more impact on such offenders, a cost effective one also..............