The front suspension is dissembled (torsion bar adjustment) so I thought I would take the opportunity to upgrade the front brakes.
Does anybody know an upgrade path and supplier?

Also, in England there is a product called Waxoyl which is a waxy/oily product with rust inhibitory properties. It stays flexible and does not crumble away. It is excellent for spraying into cavities, in doors etc. Is there a similar product available in US? If not, what is generally used?



68 E 1.5

Submitted by ken_cantor@hot… on Wed, 02/15/2006 - 22:42

You may want to follow this thread on the jag-lovers site"

regarding a product called "Rustcheck". Their website ( seems to indicate US availability despite the "only in Canada" sentiments in most of the thread. No affiliation etc. etc.

Kenneth L. Cantor
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
ex 1987 Series III VDP

Submitted by tomconnors@ear… on Wed, 02/15/2006 - 18:16

Simon ---

In aircraft maintenance we use a product called LPS-3. LPS indicates that it is a liquified petrolium spray. This is used by airframe repair agencies and technicians worldwide. Corrosion prevention is a major issue in aviation maintenance. Available at aircraft supply outlets.

The same product is easily procured at marine stores and many auto part stores (marine section). It is in a spray can and is labeled CRC.
Very effective in a marine environment & perfect for auto applications.

Tom Connors
72' FHC

Submitted by bonnettoboot@e… on Sun, 02/05/2006 - 22:56

Deleted by William Brady on 2006-02-05 22:56:38

There are many options for brake upgrades but now may be the time to fit a tosion bar adjusting plate! Jaguar affectionado and etc.