The ignition switch on my 67 E-type FHC does not always make contact. Unfortunately the LU-34679 replacement has been discontinued. What do people do? It seems like a simple enough switch, four contacts joined in pairs when the key is turned on. There must be another switch that will do the same thing.

Submitted by cleavefamily@c… on Thu, 09/02/2004 - 00:17

Yes, there are a lot of LBC parts that interchange (are indentical), the trick is to find them. Years ago there was a listing of available LBC parts that interchanged with Jaguar (maybe on Jag-Lovers?). Anyway, good luck to you, I bet the bumpers ends are starting to curl up in anticipation of the new switch being installed, and thank those risk takers (like SNG Barratt) that provide high quality replacement parts for our classic Jaguars.

Stew Cleave
JOCO Chief Judge
\'69 E-Type 2+2 and other LBC\'s

Submitted by on Wed, 09/01/2004 - 23:30

Thanks Stew. I enjoyed your humor. I'm not opposed to rebuilding the switch, but it has a lot of problems. For instance, all the spade lugs on the back are loose, and I think the rivets must be the contacts on the other side. Anyway, I have found a replacement. Moss lists one as their 141-300, and I think it is an MGA ignition switch. Would you catch this at a concours meet? Also, Barratt expects the real switch to be available again in about a month.

Submitted by cleavefamily@c… on Tue, 08/31/2004 - 00:45

Try fixing it! As I recall these switches, like most other components on these models, are easily taken apart with common tools. The worst thing that could happen is that you break it more - so no great loss. Before you attempt to fix it, and with the car on level ground, measure the distance to the front bumber ends, after fixing the switch, measure again. If you notice that the measurement increased, that's the car trying to smile because you took the time to fix one of its original parts - the car wil be eternally grateful, and the pride you get from doing it yourself will linger for some time too!

Stew Cleave
JOCO Chief Judge
'69 E-Type 2+2 and other LBC's