Hi, I am new to the forum and am having a problem with non starting. The engine cranks in a normal fashion,but won't fire. I did try the holding gas peddle down and cranking for about 20 seconds 4 times then 3/4 throttle and still won't start., Any suggestions? Thanks
Mark Reynolds

Submitted by desp8838@bells… on Tue, 04/15/2014 - 04:34

I think your fuel pump located in the boot is defective. I had the same problem, whent shoping came back, crank the car, mo problem, starter is working fine but engine is not firind.



Submitted by stevejag@sbcgl… on Mon, 03/31/2014 - 19:22

Mark, there is another possibility. It is possible for there to be a switch 'disagreement' in the transmission system and leave you with a crank no start.

Turn the ignition on and press the brake pedal, then move the shifter to neutral and FIRMLY back to Park. See if it will then start. There is a switch on the side of the trans, and one in the shifter. If one says it's in Park and the other doesn't, you can have a crank no start.

Worth a try.

Submitted by pat@patsjags.com on Mon, 03/31/2014 - 12:19

Another possible issue may be the "N" word, Nikosil. If you're not familiar with this issue; simply stated, in the early XK8s (pre-2001) the cylinders were coated with a ceramic material negating the need for cast iron (=heavy) liners. It was later found that either excessive heat or high sulfur gas would degrade the Nikosil and cause the affected cylinder to lose compression. This happened to my '98 XJ8. If the car has sat for a while, the oil will drain from the cylinder walls and the engine will not develop sufficient compression to start. If you crank the engine for quite a while the oil will make its way back into the cylinders and the engine should fire up; albeit with a lot of smoke. If it does, simply run the engine every few days to keep oil in the cylinders. You can have a compression/leak down test run on your engine to see if this is a problem. Any mechanic should be able to do this and you won't have to go to the fairly expensive Jaguar dealership.

Pat H.

Submitted by coventryclassi… on Mon, 03/31/2014 - 10:07

Mark, the fuel pump relay is in the boot, next to the battery. You should feel it click when the key is first turned on. Might be able to hear the pump run in the tank. Check the fuel pressure in the fuel rail on top the engine. Good luck.
Cheers Tom