I've got to bite the bullet and have the clutch replaced in my 68 E-type FHC. Can anyone recommend a mechanic or shop in eastern North Carolina? I live in New Bern which is located in mid-coastal eastern NC. Obviously I would want to trust this person to go through the motor as well while it is out for the clutch repair. I will travel at least a state away for peace of mind! Thanks greatly for any advice.

Submitted by harmon.stan@gm… on Wed, 03/05/2014 - 22:43

Thanks Stephen, I gave them a call today. They sound like they can handle what I want and more. They had just delivered a car to someone on the coast just past me and could have picked mine up if I would have called earlier....

I'd like to find someone closer but doubt I could find anybody as knowledgeable.

Just curious, what/who is "we have done several restorations"? Thanks, Stan

Submitted by harmon.stan@gm… on Mon, 03/03/2014 - 23:39

Thanks Howard, I just found your reply. I thought I would be alerted by email to any responses to my inquiry, but I guess I didn't do something correctly.
I'm guessing since no one else from NC responded that everybody does their own repair work? I'll try your idea of just calling people. Maybe posting in one broader forum categories would catch someones attention. Thanks again, Stan

Submitted by howardbollinge… on Mon, 01/13/2014 - 14:30

Click on the Club List up at the top here then click on Carolina Jaguar Club, officers and contacts, and then do the same for Virginia Club and start calling or emailing those contacts and asking about the best places to take your car. By doing this you can probably get the best collection of recommendations.

I belong to CJC and certainly invite you to join our Club. CJC is a statewide club with one of the broadest of membership groups. The Club travels widely for events and meetings. Attached is
an application form if you should choose to join.

Best regards, Howard Bollinger