Submitted by on Wed, 01/01/2014 - 16:43

Fellow enthusiasts.. I propose that we all as JCNA members contribute a portion of the annual club dues directly to the support for the conservation of the real Jaguar in the Americas. Given that this beautiful cat is being wiped out in much of its natural range shouldn't we as a group make a meaningful effort to maintain and promote its recovery ? How about starting with 5% of the total annual dues? I don't think that that will make a signifigant impact on anyones wallet but would certainly make a genuine statement that we are prepared to encourage the awareness that there IS a problem and that as as a group we are prepared to contribute to its survival.

Submitted by mark1mark@jagu… on Thu, 01/02/2014 - 17:30

There are a few groups doing this. JCCA supports the Northern Jaguar Project, which is buying rugged, remote habitat just 150 miles south of the Arizona border. Many of our members also donate individually. They have also worked with ranchers in the vicinity, educating them about Jaguars so they don't go out and blast them every time they see one. They have wonderful pictures of these magnificent cats on their website. It's a small bare-bones group based in Tucson. JCSA supports them also.

Arizona and New Mexico have had Jaguar sightings over the five years or so, so it's exciting that they are making forays back into the U.S.

I've attached a picture caught by their cameras of a Jaguar named Caza. I'd urge anyone with a few extra dollars to donate to this worthy group.

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Thu, 01/02/2014 - 06:10

Godfrey your idea is one that deserves consideration but it also requires a bit of work and time is short for this year. This type of proposal needs to be committed to a real proposal on paper and discussed at the AGM. The deadline for a proposal at the AGM is about Feb.6 2014 (60 days from the AGM). Jaguar themselves have a program (or they did) to support a conservation effort in Central America so a lot of information could possibly be gleaned from them as to what groups use the funds efficiently etc. I would suspect the business committee of JCNA would like some time to look at the figures. So are you up to the task of being the champion for your idea? Would you have a packet together or a presentation for the general membership at the AGM? I would be glad to assist you as you put this together but there is some lifting for you to do. That would be a true proposal and I think that you would have a chance in the future. Good luck and Happy New Year.