Edited on 2013-08-07 10:12:02

Hello to everyone.
My 340 has been sitting for 11 years, and needles to say it needs a complete brake overhaul now and I have decided to pull the rear hubs off to replace the rotors and clean things up.
There is an OTC hub puller that is available with a five bolt adapter plate with a one inch diameter threaded screw shaft.
Is anyone here able to tell me what the diameter is of the shaft on the Churchill tool ? There is pretty much no information or specs on the tool.
If the OTC one is the same size diameter chances are that it will do the job.


The other option is to join the club and use the actual tool, but shipping it to Canada would be quite expensive. The other problem I find with borrowing tools is that it may take an entire weekend to get the hubs off, but I guess it will either work or it won't. It's going to be a bear of a job no matter what puller I use.
Thank You !

Submitted by mam.haggis@hot… on Mon, 08/26/2013 - 16:53

Edited on 2013-08-26 16:59:27

Edited on 2013-08-26 16:57:12

Had to answer my own thread, it will only let me load one picture at a time _ so here's the other one.
The one photo was at the 200k mark or more likely at 200.1 _ that was the problem.

Submitted by mam.haggis@hot… on Mon, 08/26/2013 - 16:37

Edited on 2013-08-26 16:51:49

Edited on 2013-08-26 16:49:40

Edited on 2013-08-26 16:48:50

Edited on 2013-08-26 16:46:31

Edited on 2013-08-26 16:45:28

Edited on 2013-08-26 16:40:00

Let me try again with the photos and they are under 200k and jpg off course _ obviously missed something though.

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Mon, 08/26/2013 - 15:57

Edited on 2013-08-26 17:03:33

Forgot to answer your other question. Your posting has nothing to do with number of posts or member status. You do need to follow the instructions and pay attention to size.

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Mon, 08/26/2013 - 15:52

With the proper tool there is no need for the 10 LB hammer (unless the axle has been underwater for a while. The math I spoke of was the costs you assumed for Canada.

Submitted by mam.haggis@hot… on Mon, 08/26/2013 - 15:13

Edited on 2013-08-26 15:20:20

Edited on 2013-08-26 15:18:57

Hello George, not sure what you mean by you statement "there is no need for ten LB hammers".
The Churchill tool will need to be struck with a hammer too. I know someone who has the Churchill tool, he owns his own garage and I have known him for more then 20 years. I only just spoke to him this morning about the subject as he has been away.


"Not agree with my math" _ not sure what you mean by that ? If it's the number of threads on the OTC tool having 14 TPI as apposed to 12 TPI _ the OCT will apply more pressure in that respect.
The Churchill puller will certainly apply it more evenly and in a smaller circumference, but in the end the OCT tool will apply more pressure. I guess it's a matter of trade offs.
It's a physical law that a finer thread given the same diameter of shaft will always apply more pressure.

Anyways I am not really here to argue with you and I am very thankful for the information you have given me to make the right decision or at least what I believe to be the right decision.

If you still disagree on what I have written here, I won't be coming back to discuss it any further. I have put this out here so that others may find it useful and give a conceivable alternative to the club tool _ for what ever reason they may have.

In my statement above, for any one else reading this I mentioned some photos. The upload wouldn't take _ I am guessing because I don't belong to the club or I have too few posts. Here is a link in another forum where you can view the pictures.


Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Sat, 08/24/2013 - 22:01

Jeff glad it worked for you. the Churchill tool has a holder bar and there is no need for ten LB hammers. The OTC tool has no advantage as it pulls from 3 points--the Factory tool pulls from 5 so there is more even force. The tool program is only for members and others in Canada would not agree with your thoughts or math.

Submitted by mam.haggis@hot… on Sat, 08/24/2013 - 12:59

Edited on 2013-08-24 13:03:22

The OTC hub puller with the 5 stud adapter plate arrived the other day. I was able to remove the hubs with no problem. I use a cheesy 30 dollar impact wrench at first with no success, so I ended up taking a large 1/2 inch 4 foot extension and wedging it between the puller/hub and the concrete floor. This prevented the hub form turning while applying force to the pullers screw shaft.
I used a ten pound hammer to knock on the end of the shaft _ I only allowed the weight of the hammer to come in contact with the shaft as I was afraid of damaging the axle if I used more force.
I waited for the tone to change when hitting the end of the pullers shaft and when that happened I tightened up on the pullers screw. I had to repeat this procedure 5 times and the hub suddenly popped off.
The OTC puller has two advantages over the Churchill tool, it has 14 threads per inch as apposed to the Churchill tools' 12 tpi, so in that respect it's actually applying more force then the Churchill tool. The other advantage is the OTC tool is open, which allowed me to lock my extension between the hub and floor to keep the whole thing from rotating _ I am not sure how you would do this with the Churchill tool as it's a one piece unit. I suppose if one were to take a piece of heavy steel stock and bolt that on to a couple of wheel studs _ but the problem with that is if there is enough room with the Churchill tool in place ???
One serious disadvantage of the OTC tool is that the business end of the screw shaft does not fit at all on the end of the axle and I had a machine shop make an adapter for this. It threads on the end of the axle and in the photo I have placed four layers of brass and copper shims as not to deform the end of the axle. The adapter was made from a hydraulic hose fitting and with a bit of lathe work it worked quite nicely to keep the pullers screw shaft aligned properly on the end of the axle.
So was it worth all this bother _ I don't know. At least I have a tool now that can pull the hub off with out having to send all the way to the US for the club tool _ I am sure the shipping would have been quite expensive.
This also gives an alternative for people like me who are very far away in a some-what remote area.

Submitted by mam.haggis@hot… on Fri, 08/09/2013 - 11:43

Edited on 2013-08-09 11:50:57

Edited on 2013-08-09 11:50:11

Edited on 2013-08-09 11:49:34

Edited on 2013-08-09 11:44:23

Thanks George, it looks like the OCT tool has 14 TPI, but I only measured that from a photo on the OTC site _ I contacted them directly to find out for sure.
At this point it looks like I will try the OTC tool, there is a good chance it will work with my modified nut idea. I don't think the OTC puller would be very kind to the axle used by itself though and that would certainly be its down-fall.

You got to love the British and all their special tools required...
My high school drafting teacher was British and he fought in the second world war. He witnessed the US aircraft mechanics change an engine in one of their planes and it was done in a matter of hours while the British plains took a matter of days to perform the same operation !
I don't think things have changed much either.

Submitted by mam.haggis@hot… on Thu, 08/08/2013 - 22:36

George, you wouldn't happen to know how many threads per inch is on the Churchill tool ?
Once I make up my mind about this I'll post how things went.
I did a search here and nothing came up about the Churchill tool or related hub posts so I figure the forum can use some info on the subject.

Thanks !

Submitted by mam.haggis@hot… on Wed, 08/07/2013 - 13:11

Hello George, wow, that was a fast response !
Yes, there is no substitution for the correct tool for sure. I like to have my own tools, but if you think that the OTC puller isn't going to do the job, then I will trust your judgment and experience.
The OTC tool has a one inch shaft, but I don't think it's going to load the hub as evenly as the Churchill tool, that and of course there is no ball bearing at the end of the OTC tool.
Regardless I plan to get a 7/8 fine thread nut, have a machine shop weld a piece 1/2 steel on the end, centre drill it and let the puller load onto that rather then directly on the end of the axle shaft.
Thanks again !

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Wed, 08/07/2013 - 11:49

Jeff the tool you listed is not the correct tool. The Churchill tool has a shaft that is 1 inch of fine screw thread. As such the force it applies is huge. There was a rec. article from a club member who had tried all sorts of pullers--he then used the JCNA Churchill tool and was finished in 10 mins. The Churchill tools also have a ball bearing inserted in the shaft end so that no shaft splits or deformation occurs. The JCNA tool loan program allows for two weeks so your weekend concern does not apply .