I have heard that the 1995 XJS Convertible might be OBD-II compliant. I know it has the correct connector. I have an Accutron scanner, but it can't connect to my car.

Is it OBD-II or not? Is there a scanner that doesn't cost a ton of money that will work?

Submitted by stevejag@sbcgl… on Wed, 07/20/2011 - 16:37

Well, we do of course, but OBDI is a mandate, not a standard. OBDII is a standard that everybody has to comply with. That is, with OBDI we had to be able to do certain things, and monitor certain things. How the various manufacturers did it or communicated with it, was entirely up to them. And every car company did it differently.

So the short answer is no, OBDII scantools cannot read or access OBDI systems.

Hope that helps.

Submitted by stevejag@sbcgl… on Wed, 07/20/2011 - 15:24

The 1995 OBDI V12 engine used the same 16 pin OBDII compliant diagnostic connector that the AJ16 used; it just wasn't OBDII. They did that for consistency and ease of manufacturing during the model year.


Submitted by stevejag@sbcgl… on Wed, 07/20/2011 - 12:04

If you have an AJ16 6-cylinder engine, you are OBDII compliant. If you have a V12 engine, the 1994 OBDI was continued for 1995, and you cannot connect to it . The OBDII mandate was for 1996, we were early with the 6-cylinder compliance. Point for us!
